There are some high school students that find themselves overwhelmed by the shear volume of classroom work. They can do the work and are eager to learn, it’s just that the pace of the work hinders their ability to take the time to learn. Many of these students don’t have other options and therefore fall behind in their classroom work. When an option, many of these students will opt to be home schooled. But that assumes there is a non-working mom or dad home to help them with their studies. What do you do if that is not an option?
A solid approved High School Diploma program that allows the student to work at his or her own pace is often the best option for these students. And if, as is often the case, their class graduates ahead of them they don’t have to stop their education. They can take that extra year to complete their education, obtain a diploma, and go on to whatever their chosen field is.
Liberty high School’s Diploma program offers just such an opportunity. It should be seriously considered ahead of poor grades in a large high pressure environment like a large high school.