Liberty Courses

services When you enroll we will evaluate any previous courses that received a passing grade, and if applicable, the credits will be transferred. Learn More

Liberty Grads

Liberty High School Grads Thousands of students have completed their high school education at Liberty High School and moved on to new, more rewarding jobs, college, and better higher paying more secure careers. Learn More


A Liberty High School Diploma opens all the doors to employment and educational opportunities

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average high school graduate earns approximately $717 per month more than the average person who has not completed high school. That’s over $8,600 more per year! And that gap is widening. Think of what you could do with that kind of pay increase.

Also, high school graduates are 70% more likely to be employed than those without a high school diploma. Think about it!

Adult students succeed at Liberty High School because they are able to use a home study, self-paced system that is supported by qualified high school teachers. Liberty High School teachers are available to assist students every step along the way.

Perhaps this is just the atmosphere for learning and the opportunity to succeed you’ve been waiting for.

Students Get Everything Needed to be Successful!

  • Complete high school curriculum from 9th to 12th grade to prepare adult learners to move onto higher education and better jobs.
  • Choice of print-based (by mail) or Online courses complete with texts, study guides and exams (No computer needed with print-based courses)
  • Lesson materials prepared in a sequential and logical order for study by students on their own in a home-study format
  • Full credit granted for all courses successfully completed at your previous school
  • Review and grading of every assignment by qualified high school teachers
  • Corrected assignments, examinations and special help
    800 number live academic help-line
  • Access to Liberty High School‘s Official Blog for up-to-date information on adult student matters, and career and educational opportunities
  • Post-graduate career assessment to help get on the right track to employment and educational opportunities
  • Official student transcripts to present to institutions of higher education
  • A diploma from Liberty High School approved by top-ranked Vermont State Board of Education.

mission statement


Liberty High School is the best option for those who were, for whatever reason, unable to complete their high school education at a traditional U.S. high school. Liberty High School Program for Adults 18 years of age and older, is designed to complete a students high school education.

A Liberty High School diploma is fully approved by the Vermont State Board of Education.

Liberty has been dedicated to the best education standards and its correspondence courses comply with the Vermont Standard. We have correspondence and online courses. You will receive full credit for all courses you have successfully completed at your previous licensed high school.

Liberty High School has helped thousands of adults earn their high school diploma since 1998.



You’re Never Too Old To Get Your Diploma

I have never finished any other program for my high school diploma due to the lack of it being boring for me but this program was the best and I made it and now I’m thinking of college. Remember you’re never to old to get your diploma I know. Best school ever.


If You Put Your Mind To It You Can Do It!

I signed up in Liberty High School a year ago and had to extend my focus in school due to personal reasons. But when January 2,2017 came I put myself into the books and finished it in less than a month. The team has been very supportive and helpful In my journey. I’m very happy… Read more “If You Put Your Mind To It You Can Do It!”


I am Very Pleased With The School

I am very pleased with the school. They helped me through a journey i struggled with. Thank you


I Had Such A Great Mentor Helping Me

I will begin by saying that I was very pleased by the help I recieved since the 1st day I decided to go with the program. First of all I had the BEST person helping me Johnny L*** ( he was more like my mentor ) I expieranced quite difficult times with certain parts of… Read more “I Had Such A Great Mentor Helping Me”


Good Experience

My experience was very good.


I Would Most Definitely Recommend Them

It’s a good learning institution. I’ve been with them a few months now & my experience overall is good. They get back to me really fast when I email or call with a question. I would most definitely recommend them to other prospected students.


I Was Able To Fulfill My Dreams

I had a very good experience as a liberty Highschool student. The staff at liberty Highschool were very helpful answering all my questions. Thanks to liberty Highschool I was able to fulfill my dreams and go to college to study holistic medicine.


Change Your Life Forever. Don't Let This Opportunity Pass You By.

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