This appalling statistic reveals one of the underlying reasons why so many young people can’t get job training. Yes, even though some of the jobs of the future do not require great technical expertise the companies won’t hire anyone without a high school diploma. For that reason, Liberty High School of Brattleboro, VT, a high school for adults, has had success turning around what would certainly be a dead end future.
Today, even the entry level jobs require a worker to be able to read and think and work a computer. Hiring someone without a high school diploma is risky business for a company. In fact, most companies today don’t even do the hiring themselves. They source out the job of hiring. These hiring companies won’t even consider someone for a job if he or she doesn’t have a high school diploma.
It’s extremely important to resolve this problem for anyone who wants to have a career and there are several options still available for those who make the commitment get this problem behind them.