Many people think that when they let their education pass by they are left with few choices. There is always adult education in their local community. Or, there is the GED.
But for people who have been away from education for a while, both these options usually require that you attend night classes. There is another option however. A state approved high quality diploma from a school that is exclusively for adults, 18 years of age or older.
This program, offered by Liberty High School in Brattleboro ,VT, was designed to make getting back into studying stress free and very rewarding.
The program is self paced and the required credits needed by the Vermont State Board of Education, can be offset by full credit granted for all courses already passed at the student’s previous high school. That can save time and money.
This move, to get the lack of a High School diploma to cease to be a burden and no longer having to leave the box for high school education empty, can be life changing.
Visit and read how we can help you put this problem of not having a High School diploma behind you.